
Friday 26 July 2019

Innovation time

  This terms PBL focus is innovation. To start the challenge off we rotated around 3 classes with different challenges. But I am just going to talk about my favourite one  that I went to. It was trying to get a toy  car to the end of the table without touching it. The materials we had were... one balloon, some string, some tape and as much plastic straws as  needed. My team was a group of three and their names are Lydia, Frankie and Ariella (myself ). This is what we did. We filled the balloon up with a tiny bit of water and then we tied a little bit of string to it.  We  then attached it to a plastic straw. When it was time to try our invention, we pushed the car with our balloon and  it  took .9 of a second to get across the table. Guess what!?  We won . Our car reached the other side of the table the quickest and was the most creative! WIN WIN!

Have you invented something before and if you have what was it?