
Thursday, 30 April 2020

Terrific Toucans!

There are 40 different species of toucan and about 15 of them live in the amazon rain forest. Off all Birds Toucans are present in most variety. It is also thought that there may even be unfound species of Toucan in remote areas of the amazon rain forest. 

Coart ship games seem to include showing off their bills by playfully tossing food at each other, playing catch with fruit by tussling with their bills. Big bills of toucans may help to attract a mate. Toucans are renowned for their large colorful bills. At 8 inches (20 cm) they have the longest bill of any bird in the world in relation to their body size 25 in (63.5 cm). Despite its size, the toucan's bill is very light as it is made of keratin (like human hair) in a honeycomb-like structure.

Toucans Habitats in tropical and subtropical jungle reigns. They are native to southern mexico, the northern areas of south america and the Caribbean region. They also Like to have their home in the hollows of trees. They often move into cavities created and abandoned by woodpeckers. Seven Toucans live in one single hollow. 

Their enormity bill is useless against predators in fact since their bill is so beautiful humans seem to get very attracted to them. Most of the time humans catch them then do pet trade and sell them. To protect themselves they often use their loud voices to scare the enemy or predators away.   

Toucans can snap their tail all the way to their head without hurting themselves! Toucan's Bills are very light despite the size of them. Toucans have HUGE Bills compared to their body.  

My conclusion is that overall I think Toucans are very colorful animals and are very talented in a variety of ways. They are such a beautiful species of birds.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ariella....some fabulous information here in your report. Toucans are definitely interesting birds. Remember to hold down control, shift and v at the same time when you post so your text stays in line.


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