
Monday, 23 September 2019

Museum Fun!!!

                             Museum Fun!!!

             Yesterday my hole hub went on a trip to the Museum. We had groups. The people in my group were Millie, Caoimhe, Blake, Noah and my self. The parent ( the person that was looking after us) was Millie's mum. There was so many different things that were so interesting. We went in the classroom and in the class room we got do and see all the things that the first people to aotearoa used. It was amazing!!!     

                               Here is a pic!!!
Have you ever gone to the museum? if you have what did you see?        

Friday, 6 September 2019


                                  Hi I am Ariella and I would like to show you my  PBL slide By                                                                    me and holly could you please comment!!!



do you have glasses? and if you do how do thry help you?